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In This Report
Aramex 2019 Annual Report | Sustainability and this Report | CEO Letter | Our People | Financials

It is our pleasure and pride to share with our 10th integrated report and 14th sustainability report with you. This report is an important part of this active effort to maintain open and transparent communication and engagement with our stakeholders, both internal and external.


This is the second year in which we are reporting according to the International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) Framework. Following this framework allows us to present the information in this report in a format that will make it even more accessible, especially to investment communities. This approach allows us to focus on the connectivity and integration of our data across different domains. Most importantly, in utilizing this approach, we report on our value creation across the Six Capitals: Human Capital, Intellectual Capital, Social and Relationship Capital, Financial Capital, Manufactured Capital, and Natural Capital.

This is the second year in which we are reporting according to the International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) Framework. Following this framework allows us to present the information in this report in a format that will make it even more accessible, especially to investment communities. This approach allows us to focus on the connectivity and integration of our data across different domains. Most importantly, in utilizing this approach, we report on our value creation across the Six Capitals: Human Capital, Intellectual Capital, Social and Relationship Capital, Financial Capital, Manufactured Capital, and Natural Capital.